Sowing Seeds of Peace and Prosperity

Sowing Seeds of Peace and Prosperity

This is another article edited and updated – originally published 18-12-2016.

The words of the title are found in Zechariah 8:12, ‘For I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you. The grapevines will be heavy with fruit. The earth will produce its crops, and the heavens will release the dew. Once more I will cause the remnant in Judah and Israel to inherit these blessings.’

These words convey an amazing promise of blessing from the Lord. They were written by a prophet, Zechariah, whose writings were rich with Messianic references, often quoted in the New Testament, and include some of the great Old Testament passages about God’s restorative power.

A Little Bit of History

Zechariah was one of two prophets, Haggai the other, who began prophesying around 520BC to the post-exilic Jews in Judah, those who had returned from the forced exile in Babylon and Persia. Nearly 50,000 of these people returned with joy to resettle in their ancestral homes, and rebuild the Lord’s house, and Jerusalem, around 537-535BC.

They initially laid the foundations of the new, Second Temple; the previous Temple, built by Solomon, had been destroyed by the Babylonians in 587BC, along with the walls and fortifications of Jerusalem. Although they laid the foundations of the new Temple, they were harassed by their enemies, the Samaritans and others, and forced to stop building.

As a result of these challenges, they took the easier option and built their own homes instead – each one focussing on himself and his family. Thus they allowed the Second Temple’s foundations to become covered with weeds, and lost sight of the national vision for the restoration of the nation’s centre for worship.

Both Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the people to focus again on the nation, its worship and its spiritual wellbeing; to do this they prophesied that the people should complete the building of God’s house in Jerusalem. Their prophetic ministry was successful and quickly inspired the people to return with energy to the project. It took a few years, but it was completed and dedicated to the Lord.

Zechariah 8

In Zechariah 8:1-8, the prophet spoke of God’s re-engagement with Jerusalem. He had previously forsaken the city leading to the Babylonian invasion with its destruction of Jerusalem.

God had forsaken them because of the political corruptness, spiritual bankruptcy and moral depravity of their forefathers. Now He would restore the city’s prosperity, ensure its successful redevelopment, and bless its spiritually. One of the great promises is in verse 5, ‘the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets.’

When I see a successful Children’s and Youth ministry in action in a church, it reminds me of the sense of joy and happiness contained in this phrase. As a church we have also seen a modern prophetic picture of this during our church weekends away in Cefn Lea in mid-Wales – many boys and girls from the church playing freely, and being spiritually fed.

Be Strong and Finish the Task

Then in 8:9-17, verse 9 begins with an exhortation, NLT, ‘be strong and finish the task.’ I wonder, is there a task that God has given you which you have not worked on for some time?
Perhaps this is a ‘word from the Lord’ for you, ‘be strong and finish the task.’


It is possible to apply the passage to our day in the following ways:
Verse 9: ‘This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Be strong and finish the task! Ever since the laying of the foundation of the Temple of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, you have heard what the prophets have been saying about completing the building.’

The challenge: Our nation, since the 1950’s particularly, has become really disobedient of God’s word, and focussed on individualism, self, consumerism and Relativism. Yet, many churches are still preaching His word and seeking to win the lost for Christ. We can hear His prophetic voice calling out to us:

  • Strengthen your service in Christ’s service.
  • Those whose ears are open to the Spirit’s voice, and receive His inspiring, life-giving words, will be Kingdom builders.
  • God’s Kingdom will be established as Christ’s church worships, witnesses and serves.

Verse 10: ‘Before the work on the Temple began, there were no jobs and no money to hire people or animals. No traveller was safe from the enemy, for there were enemies on all sides. I had turned everyone against each other.’

The challenge: When a people turn from God’s ways, debt levels increase, inequality grows between rich and poor, violence increases, and outside enemies multiply and their threat grows:

  • There is financial hardship and want.
  • No peace of heart and mind – inner conflict and fears.
  • Overwhelming pressure from external threats.
  • Division and societal conflict are still God’s curse on a nation that turns from Christ.

A Spiritual Renewal

From verse 11 we see a prophetic renewal begin as the people start to listen to and obey the prophetic word. This can be likened to our standing in the Lord Jesus in His Church as we live out His word and fellowship together as His people in the land.

Verse 12: ‘For I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you. The grapevines will be heavy with fruit. The earth will produce its crops, and the heavens will release the dew. Once more I will cause the remnant in Judah and Israel to inherit these blessings.’

I believe that as we follow, worship, serve and live for Christ – His word becomes seeds of peace and prosperity which yield a wonderful harvest to His glory and praise. If we step out in faith and obedience – then the new wine of the Spirit will flow through many lives and many churches.

The place of our worship and service, both out in the world and in the church, will produce a great harvest, as we minister under an open and favourable heaven.

As a result of knowing that our God is unchanging – we can hear in His commitment to restore Judah’s wellbeing and prosper them for good of the nation – His word to us through verse 13b: ‘Now I will rescue you and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing. So don’t be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the Temple!’

Hallelujah! His word written so long ago is still applicable to us today. We proclaim that Jesus saves and redeems! He will make us a blessing to others; a people who build His Kingdom as we worship and serve Him in our local churches.
In order to be a blessing – we need to hear the command, ‘don’t be afraid.’ We need to learn how to guard our hearts against unsanctified fears, fears that are not of the Lord, destroy faith, and undermine our confidence in the Lord. If we will open ourselves up to His perfect love in and through Christ – then unsanctified fears will go and we will be all-in in our worship and service of Christ.

He promised grace, verse 15: ‘But now I am determined to bless Jerusalem and the people of Judah. So don’t be afraid.’

God was determined to do them good, it was His word to them. In Christ, God is determined to do us good, and each and every day prove Himself good to us. We must not allow our unsanctified fears to prevent the Spirit’s blessings. As a result, we should act and do in accordance with our new nature in Christ walking in the Spirit.

Obedience is Key

In order to ensure the promised blessings continued to flow to Judah, He strictly warned them to obey His word and live in His truth, verses 16-17, 19: ‘But this is what you must do: Tell the truth to each other. Render verdicts in your courts that are just and that lead to peace. 17Don’t scheme against each other. Stop your love of telling lies that you swear are the truth. I hate all these things, says the Lord. So love truth and peace.”

The Bible explicitly calls us to be people of integrity and truthfulness in every setting, to love truth and Shalom. To refuse underhand methods and control in our dealings with each other; for the Lord hates this way of living. Instead He is calling us to live according to His word’s values of truth, rightness and peace; to love our neighbour as oneself, commit to living with spiritual integrity, and seek for true justice for all.

We ask the Lord, by His Spirit, word and grace, to enable us to live out our faith in Christ-honouring ways, loving one another so the world will see the genuineness of our faith and confidence in the Lord who saves and redeems, and to be obedient to His word and will. If we will do so, then we will sow seeds of peace and prosperity. Amen.
God Bless
Pastor Leslie